Monday 26 December 2011

Journaling - It's something i do every day.

I am a journaller and have been one for many, many years.

I find it very therapeutic and it helps to write all my thoughts and feelings on many a subject, ( be it a person, item, situation or anything really) and not feel i have to hold back because of someones sensibilities. My journal is my own personal therapist. 
Pretty Cheap too!  :)

My journal has heard it all before and welcomes my outpourings as well, as my special pictures, ticket stubs, drawings, doodleings, poetry and all manner of things.

I journal every day, as most days there is something i need to talk about with a willing subject and my journal is the one. I keep it away from prying eyes as i don't want to feel that i need to censor it, as someone could pick it up and read it if i left it lying about. If that were to happen (which did many years ago, when i was younger, by my father!!) Suffice to say, that it did scar me from journalling for a little while, but not forever. Thank god, i was only a youngster, but it did affect me and i am very careful to this day.

I write the date and my location every time i open my journal, to write. I do have special spots i like to journal in, like a coffee shop, a local park, on the bus, etc
If i get stuck i also have a little book with journaling prompts in it that i have found and copied from the internet and these can help at times and make it interesting. 
I can't emphasize more, that journaling is an awesome way to relieve some stress in your life.
You can use any kind of notebook with lined or unlined paper. The choice is yours. I also use a variety of special pens, pencils, stickers and other such items to create and personalize my journal.

I hope i have encouraged you to start a journal.

The following is an awesome site to help you on your way.

Hugs and Kitty Licks

Meowmy xoxo


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I hope you all have had an awesome 2011 and look forward to a brand new year full of exciting things to come in 2012.

Mugs and Kitty Kisses 

Meowmy xoxox 
